The Long Way Round

Sorry to keep you all waiting. In my faith, we view life as a pilgrimage, and while it’s great to see others find their dreams so quickly, there’s something to be said for the journey. I’ve been on many roads and tried different things, and the friends I kept from these experiences make them all worthwhile. I’m getting ready to celebrate another year of life, and something I’ve learned is those who seem to have it figured out probably took many twisting roads to get there, roads with high points and low. When night falls, it’s hard to even see the road we’re on, to believe we’re going the right direction, but daylight will come again, and if we keep moving forward we’ll count ourselves blessed to find our place among friends.

The Long Way Round

Some men are born to dream

and run swiftly to claim their crown

chasing their certain destiny

But me. I took the long way round.

Some men see a plan

and with a narrow focus

never stray from their goal.

But me. I took another road.

Some men have it all figured out

never pondering, never in doubt.

But me. I had to pave my own route.

Through many years of searching

though myriad paths I’ve trod

I’ll keep taking the long way round

so long as I find my home with God.

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