Museum of Memories

In our current climate, it’s easy to get lost in nostalgia and “if onlys.” If only we had voted a certain way. If only our government had done this instead of that. If only I had more time to devote to writing. Yes sir, guilty as charged. “If onlys” can be harmful to our productivity and our participation in society, but our memories don’t have to held us back. They can be like a museum, telling the story of our life, and we can learn how much we’ve grown. But we can’t let ourselves get trapped in the museum forever. That exit doesn’t mean our journey is over. It’s only beginning. It begins anew every day, and we all must decide what to learn and how to live. Embrace yourself, warts and all, and prepare for the new day. Thanks for reading!

Museum of Memories

I wonder through these halls

to stop and stare at the pictures on the walls.

All my memories surround me

I’m entangled in a dream

there I am learning to walk

that child laughing, a giggle and a squawk

There I am learning how to write

the pencil of destiny sitting to my right

Here I am again, learning how to drive

I can still remember and see the fear in my eyes.

There’s me, going off to school

leaving home for the first time

Very few can tell you, truthfully, they had no tears in their eyes

Surrounded by my past,

emotions swirl together to create a storm…

No, something else, not a storm but a swirl of memories

My life rushes past me like a gust of wind

My face buffeted by memories

but it’s not the big milestones that held the most sting

It’s the little hours

the time spent talking and listening

the hours spent playing games or sitting around the fire

the everyday celebrations, the gritty facts of life

These are the things we remember and long for the most

not the time we got our first promotion

or the time we learned to drive

but the times we learned to live

How to live is something we still learn everyday

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