An Ode To Dreamers

If we’ve learned anything from the strange times we find ourselves in, it’s that life is too short to put dreams on the back burner. Walt Disney was dismissed as a talentless animator. Steve Jobs dropped out of college and started Apple from his family’s garage. J. K. Rowling’s initial pitch for the Harry Potter books was denied by every major publishing house. If these people had stopped there, you’d have no idea who they are. So, I say let’s raise a toast to the dreamers. And maybe, just maybe, we can find the courage to dream as they did.

Let’s raise a toast to those that dare to dream

who see the cruel and wicked ways

this world craves and refuse to let them be.

Here’s to the men who challenge the norm

and the woman who take the world by storm.

Here’s to the child who sees the emperor for who he is

and not for what his status claims.

Let’s celebrate those who take the world in their reigns

who refuse to accept the status quo.

These men, these woman, like the precious child, they held on to their dreams

and wouldn’t let them go.

Here’s to those who refuse to lose the hope of youth

who rise on the wings of their dreams

and chase them til they come true.

So I’ll raise a glass to those dreamers

the men, women, and children too.

I’ll raise a glass to them

and pray their dreams come true.

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