New Things Are Coming!

Update: The new blog is up and running. You can check it out here.

This piece is a bit light-hearted, but I thought it would be a great way to introduce some exciting news. A new blog is coming. This one is all about baking, but not how to get the recipe perfect. It will be with about how to work with imperfections, so you never have to throw away dough again. It’s all salvageable. It just takes a little improvisation. Now, here’s the short fiction to introduce the new blog:

Raising Dough

            The beauty of a baker is he sits and watches his passion grow. The flour, eggs, and butter merge their contents into a single dough, shaped by the baker’s nimble hands. He kneads and kneads to fulfill a need, not to fill but to bake. His passion overtakes him in a moment. The kitchen calls out to him, like a child calling for her father. He rushes in to see what’s wrong but is greeted with an invitation to play. He gathers the ingredients carefully in his arms and sets apart to mix them. His long-trusted partner whisks them into dough. The creative juices flow, and he finds himself experimenting, adding whatever he can find. A new creation is being born. A new recipe. All that’s needed now is pressure. The baker scoops the dough into a pan and turns on the heat. He watches his creation rise and set like a montage of a child learning to crawl, then stand, then walk. A sweet aroma fills the air. The baker’s smile escapes his lips, and he pulls the cake from the oven. He can’t resist. He tries a bite and is transported to heaven. Through all the anxious doubt, all the uncertain elements, he’s raised a perfect piece of dough, and he can’t wait to share it with the world.

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